Surveyor is the custodian of land
information. The size, topography, location, and features on and beneath the
land upon which any development is built, are determined first by surveyors.
Without this information, no proper, adequate, effective, and accurate
planning, design, and execution of building projects can be carried out
The town planner is responsible for the
orderliness in the developmental layout to show the various land use. The
master plan, layout, etc. prepared by a Town planner normally takes into
consideration the population, culture, infrastructural facilities, socio-economic,
political, health, and other human needs.
This exercise must be carried out in
collaboration with other relevant professionals. Town planners also carry out
Site Analysis Report for building projects.
The architect may help the client to formulate
his requirements in an understandable form, bearing in mind any statutory
conditions that may apply. It will be advantageous to the client at this stage
if he could be shown work of a similar nature so that he could obtain a visual
impression of shape, type of materials, size, etc.
During the construction stage, the architect
should be visiting the site periodically for inspections to ensure that in general,
the work being carried out on site is in compliance with architectural design
and specifications. Some projects may require the services of a resident architect
(s) on the building project site.
Engineers are very important members of the
design team whose responsibilities are to assist in the overall design of the
project within the scope of their specialist fields. Engineers such as
geotechnical, structural, electrical, mechanical, and will so on, will carry
out various analyses and calculations before arriving at the optimal design
solution for a specific building.
A quantity surveyor should be called upon in
the early stages of consultation by the client because of his expertise in
construction costs. He should prepare, first of all, a cost plan as soon as the
brief is settled, an approximate cost from sketch drawings, and elemental cost
checks during design, so that, should the client’s sum be exceeded, the
designers can consider each element of the building project in reasonable
isolation, enabling him to pair costs as necessary, within the total cost limit
of the project.
A builders Lismore is the professional at the center
of the physical construction of buildings. His role in the building development
process in general is to construct the building. He does this by taking charge
of the activities on a building construction site by translating designs,
working drawings, schedules, and specifications into a physical structure.
The builders Lismore role in the building
development process starts from the planning/design stage but takes prominence at
the construction stage. The function of the Builder is the main thrust of this
The Estate Surveyor and Valuer’s roles in the
planning of projects cannot be overemphasized. The features necessary to add
economic and commercial values to any development are to be thoroughly analyzed
by the estate surveyor and valuer. The input of the estate surveyor and valuer
in the type of design or development that will suit a particular location is
necessary to increase the sales or rentable value of a building after
While the responsibility for complying with
specifications is firmly placed on the contractor, the unspoken assumption is
made that unless a client maintains his own representative on the site to watch
and inspect the works, the resultant structure or building will not be in
conformity with specified quality standards.
The person capable of inspecting materials
and the workmanship of works must be a professional that is well-trained in
building construction, and with training in project management. However, the
size, type, and complexity of a particular building project may make it
necessary to have in addition to the project manager, a residential builders Lismore,
resident engineers, and a resident architect.